Pregnancy Support Illinois

pregnancy support informed choices

Informed Choices Pregnancy & Parenting can help you be the mom or dad you want to be, all from the comfort of your home. It’s like Netflix for parenting!

Pregnancy support in Illinois offers a compassionate and informative network for individuals navigating the journey of pregnancy. With a range of resources and services, including medical guidance, counseling, and educational materials, pregnancy support in Illinois aims to empower expectant parents to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

Whether providing information about prenatal care, connecting individuals with local healthcare providers, or offering emotional support, these programs create a nurturing environment where individuals can seek guidance, ask questions, and find the assistance they need to ensure a healthy and supported pregnancy experience.

Being a good parent begins in pregnancy, so start now to learn about healthy pregnancy. Choose lessons that are appropriate for you and view the videos at your convenience. Topics include:

  • Emotions of pregnancy
  • Eating for two
  • What to expect during each trimester
  • Labor & delivery
  • Postpartum
  • Breastfeeding, and MUCH more!


New Baby?

When you bring your new baby home, it can be overwhelming. If you find yourself wishing they came with an owner’s manual, we are here to help. Through our streaming educational program, you can learn about;

  • Newborn care
  • Bonding
  • Getting your baby to sleep
  • Developmental milestones, and MUCH more!


Toddler troubles?

The toddler years can be challenging for parents. We are here to help you with information on;

  • Tantrums & Whining
  • Potty-training
  • Toddler play
  • Discipline, and MUCH more!

Plus, many more topics to help you care for yourself, strengthen the parent/child relationship, and build a healthy family, including;

  • Co-parenting
  • Being a Father
  • Life Skills such as budgeting, finding a job, and boundaries


A child’s experiences from conception through their first five years will go on to shape their next 50. Early childhood years are more pivotal for development, future health and happiness, than any other single moment in our lifetime. An enriching environment and experiences throughout these years provide the essential foundation for children to become healthy, happy and productive adults. The kind of children we raise today will reflect the kind of world we will live in tomorrow.