Keeping Yourself Safe in an Online Dating World

Let’s face it, the dating world has changed dramatically within the last 10 years. Many people are turning to online dating websites and apps these days to hopefully meet their future partner or spouse. And by “many,” we are talking about over 40 million Americans...

Not a Quick Fix

An unplanned pregnancy might have you asking yourself some questions that you never imagined like: Should I get an abortion? Am I ready to be a parent? What does adoption even look like? We hear questions like this often at Informed Choices and we are here for you...

How Healthy is My Relationship?

Do you know if you are in a healthy relationship or not? Or are you considering starting a new one, but not sure how to tell if it is a good idea? The health of a relationship is important during any stage, but when you are pregnant, it is a good idea to really take...