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After An Abortion

We provide post-abortion support in Grayslake and Crystal Lake, Illinois.

Abortion can often trigger a high-stress reaction. It is not uncommon to experience symptoms of post-abortion grief and trauma. These emotions may surface days, months, or even years after the initial experience, and they can lead to significant emotional distress.

Understanding the profound impact of your loss is the first significant step on the path to abortion recovery. We invite you to embark on a healing journey—a journey where you can begin to process your emotional pain, find restoration, embrace hope, and ultimately, discover inner peace.

Healing the heartbreak of abortion may not be easy, but we will be by your side every step of the way, providing support and resources to help you on your journey.


No cost. No age restriction. 100% confidential.


Welcome to our post abortion support program – a safe and compassionate space where you can find understanding, healing, and support, regardless of where you are on your journey.


If you’re contemplating an abortion, we offer a unique opportunity for you to connect with others who have been where you are. Our program provides insights into the emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of the abortion experience, giving you a deeper understanding. It’s a chance to ask questions, express your concerns, and gain valuable insights from those who have walked a similar path.


For those who have already experienced abortion, our program is designed to provide holistic support on your healing journey. We understand that healing is a personal and unique process, and we offer a range of resources to help you regain emotional well-being.


  • Understanding: A non-judgmental and empathetic environment where your feelings and experiences are respected.
  • Approach: A comprehensive approach to healing that includes emotional and spiritual aspects. 
  • Connection: An opportunity to connect with others who have faced similar challenges and share your journey.
  • Support: Guidance from professionals who are dedicated to helping you heal and grow.

Our after-abortion support program is about empowering you to find peace, closure, and renewed strength. You don’t have to go through this alone. Whether you’re seeking information or healing, our program is here to support you every step of the way.

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Our staff and nurses are ready to assist you. Get answers to your questions and learn about our free services.

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