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Pregnancy Options Consultation

Pregnant and not sure what to do? We provide free information about your pregnancy choices in Illinois. Get answers to your questions about abortion, adoption and parenting.

We understand that this is a crucial decision, and we’re committed to helping you make the choice that’s right for you. Our goal is to ensure you feel informed, empowered, and at peace with the path you choose.

We do not financially benefit from your decision which allows us to discuss all your choices with absolutely no pressure.


No cost. No age restriction. 100% confidential.


If you have a viable pregnancy you have three choices to consider.


If you’re considering abortion, we can answer your questions, and help you learn more about your options. We provide free ultrasound* services performed by medically licensed personnel to confirm a viable pregnancy and to inform you about your options. The available abortion methods vary depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy. We can determine your pregnancy stage and explain the different abortion methods. While we offer accurate information about all your pregnancy options, we do not offer or refer for abortion services. Many telehealth abortion pill providers require an ultrasound before administering abortion pills, and we provide this service for you at no cost. 

Abortion is legal in the state of Illinois, including telemedicine, the abortion pill, suction abortions, and D&E abortions. To better understand your options, schedule an appointment.


We provide free information about the process for birth parents and referrals to agencies that best meet your needs. In most cases, financial assistance for medical and living expenses is available for the birth mother, along with many other benefits.

There is plenty of time to consider whether adoption is the right parenting choice for your child, what type of family you want to place your child with, and how much ongoing contact you want. We can help you consider the facts, as you decide if it may be a fit for your situation. We're not affiliated with any adoption agency and never profit from your decision.


We’re here to help you address your parenting concerns and find the resources you need. Many people have questions about single parenting, co-parenting, marriage, continuing their education, financial stability, and other topics. We offer free pregnancy and parenting education, maternity and infant supplies, and community referrals to state programs.

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Our staff and nurses are ready to assist you. Get answers to your questions and learn about our free services.

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