If you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel overwhelmed and that the only option for you is abortion. Did you know that you have more than one option? It is important to be knowledgeable about all of the options that are available to you before calling a medical clinic because each possible option has the potential to have both immediate and long-term impacts on your life.

Do you know everything that is involved with a medical abortion? Continue reading on so you can be empowered with the information about this option, then give Informed Choices a call or a text to schedule a free consultation.

Grayslake, IL: Call or Text: (847) 650-5864

Crystal Lake, IL: Call: (815) 455-0965 – Text: (847) 421-1446

Medical Abortion

Do I qualify for a Medical Abortion?

Before considering having a medical abortion, you need to know if it is actually an available option for you or not. Women who qualify for a medical abortion procedure must be less than 10 weeks of gestational age, so you need to accurately know how far along you are.

Receiving a pregnancy confirmation through ultrasound will help you know exactly how far along you are. Informed Choices offers free, limited ultrasounds to any woman who qualifies. Once you take a pregnancy test, a free ultrasound may be available to you to give you a more precise gestational age. It is also important to know that our limited obstetrical ultrasound will tell you if you have a viable pregnancy.

Also, it is important to note these two restrictions on abortion that went into effect in Illinois as of September 1, 2020:

  • If you are a minor, your parent must be notified before an abortion is performed.
  • A patient’s health or life must be endangered for an abortion to be performed at or after viability.

For more information on Illinois laws visit: https://www.guttmacher.org/fact-sheet/state-facts-about-abortion-illinois


What is a Medical Abortion?

A medical abortion is also known as a nonsurgical abortion. It is one option to terminate an early pregnancy, one that is less than 10 weeks of gestational age. Since a medical abortion does not require anesthesia or surgery, it is often started at a medical office or at home by taking medication, with follow-up visits to your doctor.

When you meet with a doctor to discuss getting a medical abortion, typically your medical history will be evaluated and the doctor will confirm your pregnancy with a physical exam. The doctor will also perform an ultrasound exam to confirm the pregnancy, as well as run urine and blood tests. They should also explain to you how a medical abortion works and what the possible side effects and risks are. The cost of a medical abortion varies by provider, but it can cost as much as a surgical abortion in some instances.


Now let’s discuss how the process works:

A medical abortion is performed with the combinations of two pills: Mifepristone (also known as “Mifeprex” or “RU-486”) and Misoprostol (also known as “Cytotec”). Mifepristone is used to block the hormone progesterone, which causes the embryo to stop growing and the uterus lining to shed as it would during a period. This shedding stops the pregnancy growth, then Misoprostol, which is often taken hours or days later, makes the uterus contract to start the process of bleeding and cramping. This will then cause the embryo to be dispelled from the vagina.

Most of the time, a medical abortion is started in a doctor’s office or medical clinic, and the second pill is taken later at home.
Not only do the medications used for a medical abortion create vaginal bleeding and cramping, they also cause these symptoms as well:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Headaches
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea.

There is a possibility you will have to take other medications after a medical abortion to manage your pain and although it is not very common, some women experience infections and need to take antibiotics.

Possible Risks

It is important to familiarize yourself with the possible complications involved with having a medical abortion—especially if you have it at home. You should make sure you are able to reach a doctor by phone as well as emergency services because you may need additional medical attention in case any of these issues arise:

  • A fever lasting more than 24 hours
  • Infection
  • Heavy bleeding for a prolonged amount of time
  • Foul-smelling discharge from your vagina
  • Digestive issues
  • Extreme back and/or abdominal pain

A medical abortion requires a follow up visit to your doctor anywhere from a week to two weeks after the procedure to ensure that the abortion is complete and that your body is healing correctly. Your doctor will examine your uterine size, check your bleeding, and look for any signs that point to possible infections. Your doctor will probably also ask you a series of questions to determine if you have a complete abortion or not.

Some of these questions may include:

  • Do you still feel like you are pregnant?
  • Did you see the embryo leave your body?
  • How much did you bleed and are you still bleeding?

If your doctor suspects that you have an incomplete abortion, that means you still have an ongoing pregnancy. Typically that will require an ultrasound to confirm and then a surgical abortion if you still wish to terminate the pregnancy. If an abortion is incomplete, it is likely you will have to schedule more follow-up visits. It is also possible to experience some hard to cope with emotions after a medical abortion such as depression, loss, sadness, and guilt, to name a few. This is similar to PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), in this case is known as PAD (Post-Abortion Depression).

Contact Us Today

At Informed Choices, we provide men and women in Grayslake, IL, and Crystal Lake, IL, with help, understanding, and confidential, compassionate care. All our services are free of charge, so call, text, or visit us online today to schedule an appointment, or stop by our clinic at any time for non-judgemental support in your pregnancy decision.

Grayslake, IL: Call or Text: (847) 650-5864
Crystal Lake, IL: Call: (815) 455-0965 – Text: (847) 421-1446